Byron, how sweetly sad thy melody,
Attuning still the soul to tenderness,
As if soft Pity with unusual stress
Had touch'd her plaintive lute; and thou, being by,
Hadst caught the tones, nor suffered them to die.
O'ershading sorrow doth not make thee less
Delightful: thou thy griefs doet dress
With a bright halo, shining beamily;
As when a cloud a golden moon doth veil,
Its sides are tinged with a resplendent glow,
Through the dark robe oft amber rays prevail,
And like fair veins in sable marble glow.
Still warble, dying swan, - still tell the tale,
The enchanting tale - the tale of pleasing woe. 1914
Byron后来在The Isles of Greece写道,There, swanlike, let me sing and die.作者: PhoenixChee 时间: 2010-4-3 16:37
哎 过分得英年早逝了作者: Pestro 时间: 2010-10-16 11:17 本帖最后由 Pestro 于 2010-10-16 11:18 编辑
O'ershading sorrow doth not make thee less
Delightful: thou thy griefs doet dress
常想,济慈和雪莱,是不是都爱上拜伦了。他们都被拜伦的魅力,或者说是男性的魄力,所吸引。作者: 泰比斯 时间: 2012-10-4 15:57
其实济慈的墓志铭,该译成“墓中人的名字只合用水来书写”。writ in water,不是说写在水上,而是用水书写。见余光中《济慈名著译述》。