Section 1
5, What themes are introduced in the first section? What is the narrator’s relationship to the condemned man? How does the narrator judge the prisoner?
6, What is the speaker guilty of? What crimes are others alleged to have committed?
7. Why are the narrative details shifted to abstraction?
8, how does the poem use color, sound (especially assonance) and imagery? Is the imagery intended to be pleased?
9, How are fear and tension convoyed in this poem?
10, What are some of the most degrading indignities in prison?
11. How are the representatitives of society ,such as the Chaplain, Sheriff and Govenor, portrayed?
What is the importance of ‘the kiss of Caiaphas’?
Section 2
12, What bitter images occur in this section? What happens to the condemned man? What is the significance of the narrator’s encounter with him?
13. Why does the speaker describe their meeting as having occurred in “the shameful day?”?
Section 4
14, What do the prisoners think of their own guilt?
15. How does imagery and allegory used to created the mood?
16. How does the poem convey its view of the warders?
17, What are the monstrous and unnatural aspects of the brutal? What is the significance of the growth of the red and white roses?
18.Does the narrator enter the poem directly? What effect is caused by his statement,“It is not true!”?
19,What is effect of the poem’ s many repetitions and echoes?
20,What does Wilde think of the prison, its administrators and its religious morality?
21,What’s the relationship between legal morality and Christian orthodoxy according to the narrator? Are they identical, complementary, or opposed? Why does he appeal to the memory of Christ? Does he espouse an alternate interpretation of Christian ethics?
22,Is the poem’s final statement a social criticism? If so, What aspects of society does Wilde indict?
23, How would you describe the poem’s final tone? Does the poem end with any sense of hope ? If so, where does this sense of hope seem to reside?
这是英国一所大学招考英美文学硕士的部分试卷,望高手给出正确答案,大家都来讨论讨论。作者: mu 时间: 2006-5-7 13:52
纠正一下,是the ballad of reading gaol 不是the balad of reading gaol ,少了一个 " l "。