《1月16日夜晚》Night of January 16th (1934)
《生而为人》We the Living (1936)
■《颂歌》Anthem (1938) 中译本已出版,名为《一个人》
■《源泉》The Fountainhead (1943) 中译本已出版
■《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》Atlas Shrugged (1957) 中译本已出版
■《致新知识分子》For the New Intellectual (1961)中译本已出版
■《商人为什么需要哲学》Why Businessmen Need Philosophy (1961) 中译本已出版
■《自私的美德》The Virtue of Selfishness (with Leonard Peikoff) (1964)节选中译本已出版,名为《新个体主义伦理观——爱因•兰德文选》。2007年4月新中译本名为《自私的德性》。
《资本主义:未知的理想》Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (with Leonard Peikoff and Alan Greenspan) (1966)
■《客观主义认识论导论》Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1967) 中译本已出版
《浪漫的声明》The Romantic Manifesto (1969)
《回归原始:反工业革命》Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971)
《安•兰德通讯》刊物The Objectivist Newsletter (1962-1966)
《客观主义者》刊物The Objectivist (1966-1971)
《安•兰德通信》刊物The Ayn Rand Letter (1971-1976)
《哲学:谁需要它》Philosophy: Who Needs It(ed. Leonard Peikoff)(1982)
《安•兰德的早期》The Early Ayn Rand(ed. Leonard Peikoff)(1984)
《安•兰德词典:客观主义A-Z》The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z(ed. Harry Binswanger)(1986)
■《理性的声音》The Voice of Reason(ed. Leonard Peikoff)(1989)中译本已出版
■《客观主义认识论导论》第二版Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology second edition(ed. Harry Binswanger)(1990)
《安•兰德通信》Letters of Ayn Rand(ed. Michael S. Berliner)(1995)
《安•兰德杂志》Journals of Ayn Rand(ed. David Harriman) (1997)
《安•兰德批注:对20位作者的批判评论》Ayn Rand's Marginalia : Her Critical Comments on the Writings of over Twenty Authors(ed. Robert Mayhew)(1998)
■《安•兰德专栏》The Ayn Rand Column(ed. Peter Schwartz)(1998)中译本已出版,名为《通往明天的唯一道路》
《安•兰德读本》The Ayn Rand Reader(ed. Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff)(1998)
《好莱坞的俄国作品》Russian Writings on Hollywood(ed. Michael S. Berliner) (1999)
《回归原始:反工业革命》Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (ed. Peter Schwartz)(1999)
《小说的美学》The Art of Fiction(ed. Tore Boeckmann)(2000)
《非小说的美学》The Art of Nonfiction(ed. Robert Mayhew)(2001)
《客观主义研究》The Objectivism Research CD-ROM(2001)
《<生而为人>论文集》Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living(ed. Robert Mayhew)(2004)
《<颂歌>论文集》Essays on Ayn Rand's Anthem(ed. Robert Mayhew)(2005)
《安•兰德回答》Ayn Rand Answers(ed. Robert Mayhew)(2005)
《<源泉>论文集》Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead(ed. Robert Mayhew)(2006) |